Good Evening SnapDragons


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Good evening snapdragons I hope that all of you have had a great day… Today has been pretty typical. As far as my writing goes it is still slow going. I will eventually figure out how everything is going to be laid out, what events will be placed in what chapters, you know all of that boring stuff that goes into writing lol. I am curious as to how all of you are doing?

Till next time…

Good Evening SnapDragons!



Good evening snapdragons, I am back from all of the chaotic events that have transpired up to this point. I am now able to get back into writing again since I just purchased a laptop, although I have been putting it off, countless times again and again over this whatever it was that i had to endure. Alas, I have endured! Truly hope that every snapdragon that follows me still, has been in good health and are still pursuing their dreams. Overall, I will try to figure out what kind of content I will haveI am curious do you think that you would like to see me post new poetry on here?

Till next episode…

Good Evening SnapDragons

Good Evening SnapDragons, I hope that everyone’s evening is going well. Last night, I did a lot of reflecting as I watched my niece walk across her high school stage and receive her hs diploma. It seemed like it was only yesterday that she was only a few months old. Where did the time go? I recalled how it felt when I walked across the stage of my hs and was given my diploma. I was full of anticipation as to how my future would unfold and what would lie ahead for me. I had never expected my life to unfold in the way that it did. I wonder if she is nervous about her future and is she strong enough to tackle what may lie ahead for her. I believe that only time will tell as it unfolds the critical events that are bound to shape her into the individual that she is meant to become. I am curious, how was your hs graduation for you? Thoughts?

Have a beautiful evening!

Good Morning SnapDragons


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Good morning SnapDragons I hope everyone is doing well… I know, I know I haven’t been posting anything on here and I apologize… I have had a lot going on and it is now slowing down some… my books are still available on Amazon Worldwide and my paperback is still on Barnes & Noble as well… I will do another promotional thingy concerning it soon…

Have a beautiful morning!

In The Twilight


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In the twilight,

I ponder,

What lies beyond,

In the twilight,

I see,

A mere glimpse,

Of a pond,

I traverse there,

All alone,

In the dark,

I see a glimmering light,

Within the waters,

The remenants,

Of an ancient mark,

It reads,

For all who find me,

Have no fear,

All will be well,



What awaits will be here,

In the twilight,

I watch,

I wait,

At times it is unclear,


I anticipate.

Good Evening SnapDragons


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Good evening SnapDragons, I hope each and every one of you are having fabulous evenings, I have been so busy with my real life stuff that I whole-heartedly apologise for not being around to post… I do hope that I will find the time to start writing again as I am still struggling with writer’s block and it frustrates me so much that I have been unable to write for such an extended period…

I do plan on writing more poetry and posting it in here as soon as I am able since it seems like the only thing that I am able to write.

Again, have a fabulous evening!